7 best ways to savour your memories before you're moving out

Many memories are created in a home and when the time comes to move on; you may wonder how you can honour those memories. There are many ways you can achieve this and it's best to choose ones that feel the most personal for you. Here are the seven best ways to savour your memories in your old home before you move out.


Write It Down


Having memories written down helps you revisit them and share them with others. Go into each room and think about your favourite stories that occurred in that space. Talk about them and try to find the time to write them down. This could be in a journal or on a piece of paper and put into a jar that you can retrieve at any time when you want to relive those memories.


Have a Painting Commissioned


A painting of your old home can be a special piece that you put up in your new home to keep those memories alive. It can be a point of interest and when people ask you about the painting you can share your positive memories. Plus it's something that can easily be taken along with other moves.


Take Seeds from the Garden


If you're passionate about gardening, take some seeds or clippings with you. You can establish your new garden with plants from your old one to savour memories in your outdoor space. You can take any potted plants along with you to help make your new space feel more familiar in order to celebrate your old home.


Have a Moving out Party


It's common to have a moving in party but you could consider having a moving out party instead. This could be your last happy memory from your old home to add to all the others. Take plenty of photographs to commemorate the celebration and your old home.


Take Photographs


Keep any photographs you took from when you moved in and over the years and take some before you leave. If you have photographs of before and after renovations these are nice to hang onto and revisit. Make a scrap book with your photographs; you could even add captions to help recollect memories of your old place. You could do this with your family so that they can help to make this a special keepsake.


Take a Piece with You


Fixtures and fittings are included in the price and you can't just take a bit with you. However, if you plan ahead you could make this a possibility. For example, if you have children that you've always measured their heights on the door frame have it replaced so that you can take the original with you. This is a priceless memory that you can keep forever.


Use Professionals to Handle the Move


You don't want your last memory of your home to be the stress of moving day. Be ready to go. Professional removalists can take a lot of stress and hassle out of the process. If you are packing items yourself do this with plenty of time to spare. Make sure you have everything in place so that it doesn't cause you unnecessary stress.


People often get attached to places they have lived and wish to preserve memories from their old home. This can be done in a number of different ways. Choose one or more ways that resonate with you so that you can revisit these memories and look back affectionately on your old home.


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